Deep plunges into cold weather cause havoc, even here in the D. C. area, where we can expect some freezing blasts in the winter months. When people are unaware of the potential dangers, the problems can quickly become life-threatening.
We all learn this lesson as children. Or do we? When hit with a sudden, unexpected disaster, the problems become even worse if you have not had any occasion to put the lesson to good use in the past. Texas’s tragic situation of water gushing out of burst sprinkler pipes through the electric ceiling fans does remind us to review how to safely operate when dealing with electricity and water in the same emergency.
If you have electrical power and flooding (from above or below) is actively occurring:
Your first concerns are often cooking, light to see by, and getting a shower if your power goes out. For many people, no electricity means no heat. When this happens, you must take precautions if the weather is cold enough to freeze. If it freezes in your water lines, pipes can burst, and all your problems just got much worse. Follow these recommendations:
When there is no power and extreme cold, things can go from inconvenient or unpleasant to the worst possible outcome. Don’t let that happen to your family, even when you never expected to live through an epic winter storm. The smartest thing to do is be prepared. Mother Nature is capable of surprising us. Staying alive when you are freezing is crucial. Let's keep our electrical grid and our emergency kits in good condition year-round.
Be safe!