Wilcox Electric Blog | Washington DC

Four Electrical Resolutions for the New Year

Written by Wilcox Electric | Dec 31, 2021 6:44:43 PM

Are you a resolution kind of person? If so, we've come up with a few electrical resolutions that are good ideas to keep your home safe and sound. So this year, instead of making a bunch of resolutions you’ll give up on by February, take a look at these smart ideas to start 2022 off safely.

1. Electrical Safety Assessments for Everyone!

Having an electrical safety assessment of your home (and business) is just good sense. Every day, your home’s electrical system works hard to keep all your lights, appliances, technology, and more working safely and efficiently. When things go wrong electrically, big problems can pile up quickly. 

An electrical safety assessment can show a licensed electrician a lot of vital information. For example, if wiring starts to fray, it creates a critical safety hazard. If the screws in the circuit breaker are not properly tightened, connections become sketchy and unsafe. An electrical safety assessment checks an extensive list of potential trouble spots to make sure your home is safe. A proper assessment will check it all from the service panel to the breakers to the wiring, outlets, surge protection, and smoke detectors

 2. Ground Outlets/GFCIs Need Checking for Ground

Here’s a loose end you can clean up to start the new year off right. We recommend hiring a professional electrician to check out your outlets. The codes regarding GFCIs (ground fault circuit interrupters) change often and depending on when your home was built, you may need some updating. While GFCIs do NOT ground an outlet, they are designed to interrupt the circuit if there is a ground fault, preventing potential fire. Your home may have outlets that need grounding or GFCIs installed. Get things cleaned up once and for all and keep all your outlets functioning safely. 

3. Add Some Outdoor Receptacles 

As you take down the outdoor holiday lights this year, pay attention to how much easier the job would be with additional outdoor receptacles added. Are we right? 

Consider this; if you’re the house that loves and prides itself on its outdoor light displays, you know you’re constantly looking for ways to make it easier and better. One way you can increase the fun without increasing the death-defying endless strings of lights is to add more outlets so you can have far more starting and ending points. What a terrific way to increase the fun, the safety, and the endless possibilities. And when summer rolls around, you'll be all ready for outdoor entertaining!

4. Smart Home Upgrades For Convenience, Comfort, Safety, and Fun

Ready to take on the future with smart home technology? It’s here. You can upgrade your home to operate with Smart Apps so you can control all kinds of things remotely. Your home can function at the touch of a button with Smart Home technology. 

Have you considered making your home a Nest? Nest Home Automation may be best known for allowing you to control your Nest thermostat via your smartphone or device. You may be surprised to learn that Nest Pros, like Wilcox Electric, can also program other things, including smart alarm systems, door locks, cameras, doorbells, smoke and CO alarms/detectors, and video cameras. Then consider the smart appliances that are wowing consumers, and it’s easy to see why giving your home the New Year’s gift of  Nest or other Smart Home technology will bring dividends of convenience, comfort, safety, and fun.

We hope 2022 brings all of you a new year of wonderful things. Contact Wilcox Electric for more great upgrade ideas for your home or business.