People switch to smart lighting for several reasons, but saving money is definitely at the top of th...
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Electric vehicles (EVs) have significantly infiltrated the mass market, becoming more popular as tim...
If you are contemplating switching to an EV (electric vehicle), there’s a lot more to consider beyon...
The holidays are over, winter has set in, and it’s the time when we start getting cabin fever. Have ...
As the New Year rolls in, start yours safely - with a Whole Home Electrical Safety Inspection. Wheth...
As trusted electricians in the area, we receive hundreds of inquiries about all things electric. Som...
Lighting up for the holidays often involves using extension cords and cables, running both indoors a...
When the new year rolls in, we all make a few resolutions, and, as usual, some are more realistic th...
If you're getting the house ready for the holidays, chances are it's time to get those decorations d...
'Tis the season for shopping - and that means, of course, that home holiday deliveries are on the ri...