If you own a home that is 10 years old or more, you may need to consider some electrical upgrades fo...
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Electrical power in our homes is something most of us take for granted. An older generation can reme...
Smart homes are no longer a thing of the future. They're today's reality. We have gone far beyond sm...
When you can't reach the nearest outlet, extension cords can be a blessing. Misused, however, they c...
As the holiday decorating season approaches, do you feel the urge to festoon your home with lights? ...
You’ll find them tucked behind most televisions and computer setups, but do you know what surge prot...
How startled would you be if a male voice started talking to you through your baby monitor? It would...
The holidays are approaching and with them come guests, family, and food. Playing host for seasonal ...
Daylight Savings Time can be more than just a quick change of the clocks. Many use the “spring forwa...
When it comes to modern conveniences, online shopping ranks high on the list of things we love. Howe...